Friday, September 4, 2009

My First Break-in.

keith's parents live 1.5 hours away from me.

theyr'e away for the weekend.

keith is cat sitting for them...

he is at a show in another state tonight.

i wanted to go to the house to spend the evening with my kitty who is living with his parents right now.

plus he needed me to feed the cats for him.

i get here.

i cant open the garage door.

ive opened it before.

couldn't get it open tonight.

either of them.

so i spent an hour trying to pry the screen away from the window.

i used keys... my fingers... i ripped app art an umbrella to use the metal sticks... and i found a broken drumstick shoved into a potted plant outside the house... THATS what did the trick finally.

i had 2 near breakdowns because i was desperate and frustrated.

the *ONLY* thing (im sure the whole thing will be later... but not right now) that was funny was the fact that MY CAT is a little alien.

he knows my car, so when he lived at home with me and he was outside, i would barely pull up to my house and he'd come bolting across the yard.

well same thing happened here.

he heard noise on the window and scared the SH*T outta me cause im staring at a blank window and all of a sudden BAM! theres my cat. all the OTHER cats either didn't care, or were hiding cause i was freaking THEM out...

but not robin.

and it was ADORABLE cause he kept watching what i was doing and then started pawing at the window trying to get it open. if only it would have been that easy. LMAO!!!!!


but im in now (obviously).