Monday, January 26, 2009

"im in........ sales..."

... So im playing poker online and when you do that theres a little chat box in the corner where people at the table can talk... and i happen to look down and see this:

[Nishant Arora]: how's life going on
[cyndi ]: just great
[Nishant Arora]: cyndi r u working or what
[Nishant Arora]: in life
[cyndi ]: not right know
[cyndi ]: Im in customer service

and i have to keep myself from laughing out loud cause my roomate is asleep... and then i find myself desperately wanting to type into the chat box... "that means she's a hooker!"... but i dont... then i look back at the box as the convo continutes and i see:

[Nishant Arora]: great
[Nishant Arora]: it's an intresting job u'll meet all kind of people
[Nishant Arora]: u know how to handelthem
[cyndi ]: how about you

which has me ROLLING on the floor with laughter... theoretically, cause my roomate is still asleep... but it was really hard not to bust out... hee hee.. :D


My flight to nashville was smooth and uneventful (just the way i like it)... no wait... i lied... well, the FLIGHT was smooth, but the airport was not. apparently i didnt get the memmo that you cant take liquids on the plane so i had to throw away about $35 worth of shampoo, conditioner, lotions, what have you... i was pretty peeved... they should have that shiz posted near where you check your bags so you have time to rearranged, just in case you're not a frequent flyer (like myself) and dont get the weekly mailing of "rediculous things we wont let you take on the plane this week". Anyway, I got to nashville and there were a couple of days of rehearsal... then we loaded out last night and got on the bus and now im in Gulf Shores, AL... in the nicest freakin hotel ive ever been to in my entire life. Well maybe not my entire life, but for a long time.... its nice... on second thought looking around, its probably pretty average in reality, but they do a fantastic job of making it look expensive... its nice :) first show is later tonight... we'll see how it goes... audio girl running lights... woo hoo....

Friday, January 23, 2009

good news, bad news.

good news:

im in nashville! yay!

bad news:

zanga poker effing cheats. im pretty sure they play certain suites higher than others and thats NOT how poker is played... and its screwing me out of chips ive rightfully won. screw you zanga. i know i beat them. i KNOW i did :-p

good news:

theres not actually any bad news... im just pissed cause i shoulda won the last 3 hands i played... but zanga apparently doesnt know the real rules to poker... hahaha

Thursday, January 8, 2009

i have HOW much time to book a reception hall?!

okay, so good news... i got hired for a short tour.

bad news... i have a week and a half to book a reception hall and possibly a caterer if we decided to go that route.

is emily a bit stressed? i think BIT is a bit of an understatement...


i cant figure out which one of our possible scenarios is cheaper and my brain is about to call it quits.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

"When you were just a little one, there was a McDonalds in park city; right beside where FYI is now. Your mom and I were shopping and you were with us. We stopped at "Donalds" for you... that's what you called it. There was an elderly man sitting alone, and I guess you thought he looked sad. Then you walked up to him and said, "Don't worry, be happy." The song was popular then. The man laughed so hard, I thought, he would fall off the chair!" -titi melissa

Wilson's Heart

Season four of House, the last episode... makes me cry like a blubbering idiot EVERY TIME. I know whats going to happen, and yet I can't seem to contain myself. And its not like i havent cried during other movies or shows before... but with this, im talking full out sobbing not just a couple streaming tears. and then when the episode is done it makes me want to drive 100mph to Keith and kiss him a thousand times over and over until both our lips are raw. But alas, it is 1:55am and he's probably asleep by now to wake up tomorrow morning to help me move my sorry ass out of my house ;) Ah well. It'll have to wait until tomorrow i guess.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tired of myspace and its 4am...

So, for some reason ive decided that im tired of blogging strictly on myspace... no one reads it and its... in my opinion... well it feels kind of juvenile to "blog" on myspace. its not. i think this is just me making an excuse to start another one. whatever. its 4am. actually its 4:08am. im planning on FINALLY moving out of the hershey housing tomorrow (or should i say today?) and im wondering if its even worth going to sleep right now... i just got back from keith's house. we had a bit of a tift if you will and i decided that sleeping there wasn't going to do me any good cause i wasnt going to fall asleep while i was there, so i might as well just drive back home and wake up in my bedroom where i can at least wake up and start packing right away. it finally hit me about 10 minutes ago that i am, in fact, at the VERY LEAST, starting to get tired, but i just dont feel like sleeping. id love to describe the state of mind that im in right now but i dont really think there's an adequate enough word for it. i mean i guess i could say "sad" but... that doesnt even seem right. maybe its just hormones... maybe its wintertime. ::shrugs:: some day ill be able to stop using those as excuses.


i love you and i wish we wouldnt go to bed angry at each other, especially over stupid shit. ::sigh::