Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ugh. Women.

So it was a fantastical weekend! I saw Keith play a jazz gig and then the next day we met a friend of his for lunch, which was nice. then we went to the mall and he bought me a mac mini because my poor poor dell is dying. and ive been so very frustrated with it... its so bad my MOTHER thinks its excruciatingly slow... so he said that he 'understands what its like to deal with a slow computer' and how frustrating it is... so he bought me a mac mini as a 'transition' computer until i can get my mac book. :D :D :D

that being said, let me take a moment to say:

im sorry i was a bitch. i didnt mean to push your buttons but i get frustrated sometimes and when i get frustrated my bitch application freezes and i cant quit it fast enough......... :( im sorry. i shoulda just left you alone :( but i love you and you're my favorite cookiehead ever.

now back to your regularly scheduled rambleblog:

anyway... uh... i have no idea what else i was gonna say. other than taking some shiz off my dell and putting it on her might present a bit of a challenge... but... when im up to it... i love a challenge. (besides, all that time transfering stuff might take my attention away from the damned wedding forum and i wont have to get into fights with snobby bitches... lmao). yes, i know, im a loser, no need to remind me.


holy crap, i LOVE blogger... i got my mac and windows short cuts confused and accidentally closed the window i was working in... thinking that this entry was lost forever in cyberspace, only to have noticed while attempting to type it again that there was a save button... and next to the save button it had indicated that an "auto draft" had been saved... which implied that this was still somewhere within reach....... and i found it! woo hoo! haha. ANYWAY. yeah.

oh... and by the way... poker... NOT really a good stress-reliever... ESPECIALLY right after a little tift and you THINK you finally have the hand because you have two spades and the flop was 3 spades... and then another hits the table which kinda makes you nervous cause all the other guy needs is ONE spade... but then you think to yourself "well... its just me and him... theres a 75% chance he doesnt have a spade, right?" so you keep playing and the LAST card hits and its.............. A FREAKIN SPADE.......... so now that pretty much means we BOTH have a flush and the fact that my delt cards were both spades means absolutely nothing..... but at least we'll split the pot right? WRONG... MOTHER EFFER HAD A J OF SPADES and just HAPPENED to cover me. so i lost. what the hell are the chances of that? 5 spades on the board, i have two more and he has one. are you KIDDING me?! EIGHT SPADES?! eff poker man.

speaking of which... im gonna play another game. catch yall later.

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