Sunday, November 29, 2009

Okay... since im on an internet roll here...

Update time!

Wednesday was the show with File 13 and it was FANTASTICALLY awesome. The sound dude caused quite a few headaches, but other than that... I had a ton of fun and one of my really good friends from high school came out to see me!!! So that was pretty fantastical :D

The only thing that happened was that I suffered self-inflicted whiplash (at least that's what i call it) the next 2 days... fun... fun stuff. XD

Thanksgiving was at Titi's house, and it was good. Nice... relaxing... good food... you know how it is.

Then Keith and I walked the mall on Friday and then went up to his parent's house... saw them... saw mah cat... that was nice.

Saturday................... oh yeah. spent like FIVE FREAK HOURS in a drum shop. that was not so much fun. Then keith played a show... that was a little more fun...

OOO... and we bought ... er... HE bought... these awesome memory foam pillows for him and I. It's like Heaven. :D

Got my dress back today too... apparently the key to me being happy with it is NOT putting it on.......... but that's another blog. hahaha :D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sometimes I wish sleep weren't necesarry.

You know... it's 3:12am and I'm sitting here thinking to myself, "Just go to Turkey Hill... buy a cup of coffee, or the dreaded Red Bull and pull an all-nighter..."

I mean... I might as well... I KNOW I should have been in bed hours ago, but sleep is SUCH a waste of time... the only problem is that 80% of the things that I want/need to do right now require OTHER people to be AWAKE.

Yet... I still don't *want* to sleep.

I mean... c'mon Emily... the internets will be here when you get home from the studio tomorrow... don't you want to be FUNCTIONAL for the studio tomorrow?

No. I'm just gonna be cleaning his office and doing web work... I only need to be half awake for that... If I were editing audio or helping with a session I would need to be awake...

But aren't you exhausted?


So why don't you go to bed?

::shrugs:: I don't wanna... I dunno.

What the hell do you think is gonna happen between now and 9:00am?!

Maybe my cat will come flying through my window on a mini cat jet plane and put on a show using mice that he trained to jump through hoops... HELL if *I* know! I just don't want to go to sleep!

Emily... you have a problem.

More than one...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not really good timing, Emotions.

You know... I'm feeling kinda insecure right now.


I dunno... No. That's a lie. I know why... I just don't want to broadcast it across internet land... So Self, please proceed to to read what im talking about, without having to broadcast it to the internet world.

