Sunday, February 28, 2010

I can't go to a Hardware Bar sober.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

That place is just TOOOOOOOOOOOO crazy for me to handle without being in my "happy place", XD

So I spend the entire weekend with Keith and his band, and let me tell you... those poor boys! I'm SOOOO exhausted... and THEY'RE the ones that played! I can't even IMAGINE how tired they all must be!


Friday night, luckily by the time the show rolled around the roads had cleared up so the show was still on (although the boys did think about canceling it because, while it was close for Keith, it was far for the rest of them). They got there, got screwed out of any free drinks or half priced food like they thought they were gonna get and then played a show. The show went well and they had a pretty nice sized crowd, especially considering the weather and the fact that they're from Harrisburg and not Allentown, but there were a lot of people there, regardless.

And there was this guy there that came up to me in between sets and goes "I would like to buy you a drink." I told him that I was married to the drummer and actually had to go meet him backstage, and then he goes "Oh... well, I supposed that wouldn't be very appropriate, would it?" So I said, "Well, I guess not........." And then he goes, "We'll, if your husband is okay with it, I would still like to buy you a drink when you get back." So I said, alright and went on my merry way. I went back stage to find Keith and someone had called the band to talk to them... I'm guessing the manager, so they actually exited straight off the stage rather than coming back stage... so I went back out and got my drink, XD.

He kept asking "He won't mind, will he?" "Nah, he'll be fine."

Keith comes over and jokes with him, saying something like "Hey man, don't be f***ing making the moves on my woman!" ... which irritated me, because when he does that the guys don't realize at first that he's kidding until he gets to the "hahaha, I'm just kidding man..." part......... In any case, then this guy, who really liked them, ended up not only buying me a drink, but the whole band a shot and the night was good.

We got home INSANELY late, and then got to wake up the next morninging INSANELY early because they had a small set in Harrisburg the next morning at Ski-roundtop.

And IIIIIIIIIIII was fantastically awesome because I left my purse there. So now I'm without an ID, a phone... the debit card to our main account............... the engineer has it, and I have to pick it up... but IIIIIIIIIIIII don't have it.

...and the fact that I didn't have my ID sucked because they had a gig at the Hardware bar later that night.

They got me in by helping me load in, but I *DID* get asked for my ID by the head security guard before the first set even happened. SURPRISINGLY he was nice... I had my old non-expried ID with my maiden name on it... and that would have worked all on its own if it weren't for the hole in the magnetic strip that the DMV put in...... and I had my old SS card and my new SS card... and he goes "Welp, you're already in here so... sure."

Sweet! No waiting in the van for 5 hours for me! XD

That show was good too... lots of people were there and they were well recieved... but I just CAN'T handle that place sober. The MINDLESS stupid music they play... the "almost hookers" bartenders serving drinks and dancing on the bars....... the VOLUME every second the club is open.... There's also a whole different breed of drunkenness that happens in there... and its a REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY annoying kind.

but none the less.. it was a good show.

And then AFTER that show.................. we decided to stop in at a McDonalds because I was hungry...... and this is where we had to call the cops on someone.

We ordered our food and pulled around the corner just in time to see some dude standing in front of his SUV screaming "LETS GO BITCH! C'MON!" at a car sitting betweent he pickup windows. The dude jumped over the medium, pulled the sedan passenger side door open... we THOUGHT he was gonna pull whoever was in there out of the car, we heard a girl screaming after his arm went into the car... then he jumped back across the medium, got in his SUV, made a u-turn, stopped on his way past them again, yelled out his window "COME ON BITCH! WHAT NOW?!" and then sped off.

We called 911, gave them the color and make of the SUV, and hte license plate, what direction he went, what went down, etc etc etc.

Turns out there was a female driver and a male passenger in the car in front of us. SUV guy is presumed to be the girls either current boyfriend or ex boyfriend... the male passenger is assumed to be a friend she was with and the boyfriend got jealous... someone she was cheating with... or a new boyfriend.

Either way... SUV guy was pissed........................... and maced them both in the face (which is what was happening when we saw him reach in the car and thought he was going to pull them out...)

So yeah... cops showed up and it was all increadibly exciting.



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