Sunday, December 20, 2009

Church ★WIN!★

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Okay... since im on an internet roll here...

Update time!

Wednesday was the show with File 13 and it was FANTASTICALLY awesome. The sound dude caused quite a few headaches, but other than that... I had a ton of fun and one of my really good friends from high school came out to see me!!! So that was pretty fantastical :D

The only thing that happened was that I suffered self-inflicted whiplash (at least that's what i call it) the next 2 days... fun... fun stuff. XD

Thanksgiving was at Titi's house, and it was good. Nice... relaxing... good food... you know how it is.

Then Keith and I walked the mall on Friday and then went up to his parent's house... saw them... saw mah cat... that was nice.

Saturday................... oh yeah. spent like FIVE FREAK HOURS in a drum shop. that was not so much fun. Then keith played a show... that was a little more fun...

OOO... and we bought ... er... HE bought... these awesome memory foam pillows for him and I. It's like Heaven. :D

Got my dress back today too... apparently the key to me being happy with it is NOT putting it on.......... but that's another blog. hahaha :D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sometimes I wish sleep weren't necesarry.

You know... it's 3:12am and I'm sitting here thinking to myself, "Just go to Turkey Hill... buy a cup of coffee, or the dreaded Red Bull and pull an all-nighter..."

I mean... I might as well... I KNOW I should have been in bed hours ago, but sleep is SUCH a waste of time... the only problem is that 80% of the things that I want/need to do right now require OTHER people to be AWAKE.

Yet... I still don't *want* to sleep.

I mean... c'mon Emily... the internets will be here when you get home from the studio tomorrow... don't you want to be FUNCTIONAL for the studio tomorrow?

No. I'm just gonna be cleaning his office and doing web work... I only need to be half awake for that... If I were editing audio or helping with a session I would need to be awake...

But aren't you exhausted?


So why don't you go to bed?

::shrugs:: I don't wanna... I dunno.

What the hell do you think is gonna happen between now and 9:00am?!

Maybe my cat will come flying through my window on a mini cat jet plane and put on a show using mice that he trained to jump through hoops... HELL if *I* know! I just don't want to go to sleep!

Emily... you have a problem.

More than one...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not really good timing, Emotions.

You know... I'm feeling kinda insecure right now.


I dunno... No. That's a lie. I know why... I just don't want to broadcast it across internet land... So Self, please proceed to to read what im talking about, without having to broadcast it to the internet world.



Thursday, October 15, 2009

I know its only been a week...

but i am *SO* excited to see keith tomorrow :D

i didn't get to see him last weekend... i wasn't really a fan of that.

but i get to see him THIS weekend and he's bringing his ass down HERE. haha :D

...well... for part of the time... we're going back to his place saturday some time because we have to be up where he lives for church the next morning... but... all the same...

*really excited* :D :D :D

pathetic... i know. i don't care.

im happy :D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

STUPID hormones.

i think my period is putting me in a weird funk... and making me over-emotional right now.

or maybe its the weather.


im really frustrated. i didn't see keith this weekend and it was partially my fault because im tired of always having to drive up to see him rather than him sometimes coming down to see me. so i didn't go up friday night and i skipped a show he played saturday night.

then he was supposed to come down sunday to see a show with me, but slept in because of his late night the night before and didn't make it.

then he asked me to come up to see HIM sunday night after the show b/c one of his friends invited him to a bon fire and he thought it'd be fun, but that was after i had already told some of my friends in the show i went to see, that i would hang out with them because they live in nashville, and only god knows when im gonig to get to see them next.

it was really fun seeing them but, at the same time i was kinda sad i missed out on the bon fire with keith.

then today i went to meet up with another friend from the same show... we went out for "linner" (dinner and lunch... yes i made it up)... and keith called me to ask me if i wanted to go see a show with him tonight (a band that he really likes is playing) and i told him that i would if i had enough time, but that i had to drive 30 minutes home (in the opposite direction) to show my dad where my stupid little brother's appointment was for tomorrow.

i ended up calling keith and telling him i wasn't coming because i had to be at the studio tomorrow at 1 and didn't want to get up that early to make the 1.5 hour drive from his place to the studio... and he goes "well... its not that early, but i understand"

fast-forward... my night gets cut short with billy because my dad REALLY needs me to come home and show him where this effing appointment is at cause my NINETEEN year old stupid effing brother doesn't know yet even though he's BEEN THERE plenty of times... but he just doesn't give a fuck to know and is selfish and doesn't realize how that's affecting ME... HIM not knowing HIS OWN SHIT, is affecting ME cause then IIIII have to show my dad where its at or IIIII have to take him to an appointment that turns out is the COMPLETELY WRONG building because IIIIII don't even know where its supposed to be half the time and HEEEEE doesn't either.


eff him.

but anyway... as im driving home i get a hold of some MORE friends from that tour that happen to be in lancaster, to find out what they're doing... and they're making dinner at another friend's house and then heading back to hershey.

so now at this point i keep replaying keith saying "its not that early... but i understand" and the disappointment in his voice and the fact that i reall SHOULD have gone with him because i never get the chance to SEE a show WITH him... because he's always PLAYING in them... and this is something that he was really excited about and asked to share it with me and i was all caught up in everything else and now i wanna cry cause i just wanna be THERE WITH HIM rather than sitting here doing nothing.

and i was invited to drive back out to lebanon to billy's hotel room because the cast is having a party and i COULD go, but i dont wanna make the 30 minute drive back out there again... and im just depressed now and really really really really miss keith and really really really really wish i wasn't an idiot and just WENT with him.

and to top it all off, i ruined a pair of $90 boots that ive own for all of one week, while trying to get out of my car.

i literally think im going to cry. :(

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with me.

if this isn't a condition... then im making it one. haha

it seems like when ever im awake... i REFUSE to go to sleep... until im practically falling asleep standing up and my eyes have almost burned out of my eye sockets...

...but when im asleep... i REFUSE to get up. ... im like... in denial that its morning... or that im even alive. i just wanna crawl back into my hole and stay there forever and ever amen.

what shall we call this condition?

i dunno. what do you think?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

never been angrier.

today... i got stopped by a cop... on my way home... from my aunts house... who lives 5 minutes away.


because i supposedly rolled through a stop sign.

he clocked me going through the intersection at 5mph? what does that even MEAN... don't i HAVE to be moving to be going through an intersection? k. sorry i wasn't going EXACTLY 0 mph at the stop sign... i may have been going .5mph, saw no one was coming in either direction and went.


f*** that shit.



Friday, September 4, 2009

My First Break-in.

keith's parents live 1.5 hours away from me.

theyr'e away for the weekend.

keith is cat sitting for them...

he is at a show in another state tonight.

i wanted to go to the house to spend the evening with my kitty who is living with his parents right now.

plus he needed me to feed the cats for him.

i get here.

i cant open the garage door.

ive opened it before.

couldn't get it open tonight.

either of them.

so i spent an hour trying to pry the screen away from the window.

i used keys... my fingers... i ripped app art an umbrella to use the metal sticks... and i found a broken drumstick shoved into a potted plant outside the house... THATS what did the trick finally.

i had 2 near breakdowns because i was desperate and frustrated.

the *ONLY* thing (im sure the whole thing will be later... but not right now) that was funny was the fact that MY CAT is a little alien.

he knows my car, so when he lived at home with me and he was outside, i would barely pull up to my house and he'd come bolting across the yard.

well same thing happened here.

he heard noise on the window and scared the SH*T outta me cause im staring at a blank window and all of a sudden BAM! theres my cat. all the OTHER cats either didn't care, or were hiding cause i was freaking THEM out...

but not robin.

and it was ADORABLE cause he kept watching what i was doing and then started pawing at the window trying to get it open. if only it would have been that easy. LMAO!!!!!


but im in now (obviously).

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

WAAAAAOOOW. My fiance *MIGHT* be joining a HOE band.

at least thats what i call them.

let me explain.

first, know that im attributing this greatly to the fact that ive been sitting here since 8:30pm (its now 12:24am) or so dealing with a randomly intense-ish anxiety attack and i have *NO* idea why.... so im attributing the following rant to that...

"Today's rant is brought to you by Anxiety: 'Cause everything seems worse with an anxiety attack! *bing!* ::flashes a grin and swings arm in for a thumbs up:: (thats my commercial spot for the day...)

ANYWAY...... hoe band....

when i first met keith he was a member of a pop punkish kinda band, so im used to screaming little 14 -16 year olds screaming about how hot he is while they're standing right next to me with NO CLUE that im his girlfriend (or was... at the time). its cute actually. probably also helped that it was a CHRISTIAN band... so... you know... the chances of hoes coming out of the woodwork were slim to none.... (not that there weren't any.............. thats another story thats not mine to tell because it has to do with another band member...). After them he played with a bunch of alternative country rock type bands... sweet stuff. love it. sure the band's have groupies here and there, but they attract a kind of older crowd... not OLD like grandma old... just... upper twenties through early 40's type deal. again. groupies happen, but not a big deal.

then he played with the blues brotherhood band (while playing with the alt country bands and/or blues bands...) even older crowd still.

the other day he was at the jam at the Sands in Bethlehem and he got scouted by the president of [enter management company here] (i started to write it out, but i thought better about posting it on the WWW. ...nothign is solid so i guess i shouldn't go spreading this shit around unless it falls through... just in case some of the hoe groupies of the band happen to be lurking on weddingbook and are planning on running to the band screaming "OH MY GOD, IS IT TRUE?! wink lmao! )

ANYWAY............ its this entertainment company that has a bazillion cover bands on their roster... and im talking about high paying gig cover bands that play night clubs and what i like to call "party bars" and this and that and whatever.

well the dude gave keith his card and said he had 2 bands looking for a drummer.

keith's got an audition coming up this week sometime... er, next week actually... (and knowing my lovely be........ he'll be auditioning THEM as much as they're auditioning him lmao! ...the boy does *not* like to waste his time with worthless projects. if its a dead end gig, they better pay well... if they pay sh*tty, they better not be a dead end gig.... lmao). so anyway (i say that a lot...) i just got done checking out this band...

and i think i had a heart attack.

party band is an accurate term i suppose. HOE band is my affectionate name for bands like these................. they play at places like the ever infamous (to my group of friends anyway, cause we always seem to get into fights there for some reason, even though it NEVER happens ANYWHERE else. ever.) hardware bar. for those of you who don't know what the hardware bar is (and im assuming 98% of you dont...) its like your real life coyote ugly in harrisburg, pa. theres a bar wide enough to dance on and the bartenders will and do. ...and any female patron can just take her little ass on up there and dance till her heart is content. (its all fun and games until some stupid b*tch puts her wine down RIGHT IN FRONT of where you're dancing with POINTED shoes on, which when worn, don't allow you to feel ANYTHING with your toes.... and then you kick it over... get her mostly white dress drenched in red wine.... the spanish chick wants to fight you..... and you're trying to make eye contact with your unobservant fiance who SHOULD be watching you up on the bar in the FIRST place but is staring off into space looking at god knows what.... to get you down of the bar before Mercedes climbs up and beat the ever living SH*T out of you...................... no, im not making that up. i have a funny (to me) yet derrogetory (not to me, cause i own the term... im puerto rican...) name for that almost-fight.)

where was i... i lost my train of thought..... (im sure you did too)... oh yeah. hardware bar... coyote ugly... anyway. that place is SUPER packed all the time. this is the kind of band that plays at THAT kind of bar. you can't move an inch wihtout having drunk dudes hitting on you even with your ring on and your fiance one stool down from you, while you're flagging down the bartender... "im engaged."

"the ring comes off"


"i bet im better in bed than him..."

"f*** off."

those bars are a MAGNET for hoes and manwhores alike........... and i was watching this promo video for the band and surprise surprise, i recognize the hardware bar........... and one of the last songs of this promo video is "girls girls girls" (that might not be the right title) by .... i dunno who...... and there are TONS of girls (okay... like... 7... or 10....) on the stage... dancing around in their skimpy little................

dear god, my husband......... to be........ might be playing HOE shows every week. MULTIPLE hoe shows. and i won't even be able to GO to most of them.

the groupies he had before... i could deal with.... they weren't REAL groupies.........

THESE are real groupies. *REAL*. *GROUPIES*.

i trust him. i really really do........ but it kinda makes me uncomfortable to think about him constantly flogged by a bunch of hot skinny bitches that just wanna jump on his d***.

heaven for him, im sure... mr. "i never get hit on by girls..."

a nightmare for me. cause half those bitches don't even CARE if you're THERE with him. dear god, i was in a situation before i was 21 when he played a show with some of our friends, just for fun... a one time thing... and some girls were hitting on him while he was having a drink upstairs and he even pointed me out over the railing (there was a balcony overlooking the downstairs stage and dance floor) and told her he was with me and she STILL hit on him. hoe.

im not saying *EVERYONE* that goes to those places is a hoe... so don't get all huffy... i mean... *I* go sometimes (clearly), and *IM* not a hoe... but you can't deny that 80% of the clientele.... kinda is.

like i said... i trust my FH 100%, without a doubt........... but it still makes me nervous.

sorry for the rant.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

where art thou, my magnolia mountain?

my nerves are shot.
my patients is dead.
my temper is rampant.
Lord have mercy on me and give me the strength, the will, and the composure i need to continue. Amen.

i can't believe how incredibly worn out i am. i knew it was gonna be rough, but i didn't realize that it was gonna be THIS rough... and the thing is... physically its not hard at all. not one little bit. but it is WAY way more emotionally taxing than i could have ever imagined.

im so jaded.

im tired of fighting. im tired of not caring, and im tired of caring too much at the same time. it gets old, REAL quick.

im tired of pretending to be able to do something that i was never meant to do. look at me! i've NEVER been an even tempered person. sure, i know how to bite my tounge once in a while, but it'll come out sooner or later. ...and the later it comes out... the more intense it is.

i wanna find that place again that allows for interaction, but leaves me, happily, to my own devices at the same time. this is most definitely not that place.

ive been there before... and it wasn't even the most ideal situation, but i was happy none the less.

sure you "always have those people", but the position that ive been put in doesn't allow for me to gracefully handle "those people" the way im used to........ which is not at all. i never had to before... the way i delt with them was simply to pretend they weren't there... and i could do that because there was no required reason for me TO care whether or not they even existed.

sure, there was even that one person... that one person who....... well, now that i think about it, is very similar to a current one, albeit she was milder in ways. but as much as i loathed her presents, i never once felt traped. i schemed... i schemed a lot, for my own entertainment... maybe for a little ill-willed vengance, but never once did i feel traped. and if i wanted (and i did some times), i could just ignore her being there, and all would be fine.

i can't do that now.

and i hate it.

i hate every living, breathing second of it.

what i hate even more is that because of who i am... im being forced to keep it bottled... to bite my tounge harder... and THAT makes for a stronger reaction later, and a longer recovery time. ...and harboring animosity... that too... this is a breading ground for that. very ungodly of me.

i dont know how to deal... how am i gonna make it through? ive been torn down and stripped to nothing and i feel raw and numb and... traped.

the restlessness, the lack of appetite, the sleeplessness, the butterflies and shakiness... its not just a mear annoyance anymore.

my threshold for tollerance has been crossed. it was pressed up against for a very long time, but now its finally busted wide open and overflowed and...

i wish keith were here... or i was there. i need somewhere to lay my head down and someone to hold me so tight that i can't shake when i cry. i need someone to kiss me and tell me its all okay and that it wont last long, and i need someone to wipe the tears away and love me fiercely until i finally calm.

i know he'd do that for me.

i just wish he were here.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

EFF my life! stupid effing life. (this story would look shorter if the spacing was different so don't let that scare you TOO much)

so i just got done telling this story to a friend... and i decided to share it with all of you... so you all can see how ironic my life is... (actually you're not going to really see the irony in it like i do, most likely... but you'll see the reason for the "eff my life") ... if it seems choppy its cause i copy/pasted it out of a chat so bare with me.

the other day i left work. on my way home i was 2 cars behind this mini-van

they slowed to a stop with their left turning signal on, right?

and the car in front of me passes them on the right side, on the shoulder... you know... like normal people do

so i start to do the same thing and all of a sudden the van jerks RIGHT and the suddenly STOPS...

so now i have 3 options.

1. swerve into the left hand lane to avoid a collision

2. try to pass them on the right anyway even though that MIGHT either a. result in me going up the hill a bit and flipping b. HITTING the hill and totaling my car c. hitting their van cause now its on an angle or d. making it through fine.

3. slamming on my breaks and HOPING i dont rear end them

ok so option 1 was out immediately.

not really keen on the whole jumping into oncoming traffic idea especially since i couldn't see (or didnt have time to look) if anyone was coming

i thought about option 2 for a hot second but all the negative sub-options outweighed the postive.... so scratch that

so i SLAMMED on my breaks and thought to myself "oh jesus are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!"

(pretty awesome though process for a literally .02 second decision, no? ALLLL of that went through my head before i hit the break and it only took me half a second to do so)

so anyway after "are you fucking kidding me" i bumped the back of their car... they started moving right away which makes me think they saw it coming and TRIED to move out of the way, but they were in no way fast enough

so now im sitting in my car going (this time a prayer not a curse) "Jesus will you PLEASE cut me a fucking break" (jesus will forgive me for swearing, i was stressed)

because NOW.....

im VERY much aware of the fact (actually i was half aware of this while hitting the break, but i didnt have time to FULLY think of it until i found out if i was gonna hit or not)

..... im very aware of the fact that i DON'T have my insurance card in the car AND im driving with a 2-week expired license.


so anyway...

they pull forward so we're not in the intersection anymore

and i back up so IM not anymore

and they get out of their van... an indian couple from out of state.

im sitting in my car looking desperately for my phone just in case i have to call home for someone to pull up my insurance or.... i dont even fucking know, i just knew i might need it for SOMETHING.

took me a minute to find that since it flew out of my lap. then i fished around my glove compartment PRAYING that MAAAAAAAYBE i DID remember to print out my insurance card some where along the way..... to no avail

and i thought about grabbing my license but then this little voice in my head said, "wait a minute... don't grab anything... maybe... JUST maybe they wont... you know.... care...."

so i sat up and they're staring at my car, not moving

i dunno WHAT they were wating for

obviously THEY weren't going to make the first move.

so i get out and walk up to them and go "are you guys okay?"


then they ask "are you okay?"

"im fine."

awkward pause as i finish my approach

"so uh...... you guys had your left turning signal on and you went right................."

all of a sudden this woman launches into this defense about nto knowing which way they were supposed to go... they though left, but it was right... and she goes "well you saw how that one car passed me...." and i said "yeah... they PASSED you cause you were going LEFT.... and IIII was gonna pass you TOO cause you were going LEFT!"

and she goes "but i turned my right signal on... see!" and she points to her right blinker.....

at which point i say "no... your 4-WAYS are on..... SEE?" and i point to her left blinker

and she shoots a look at her husband and goes "you turned them all on?!" and he goes "yeah, we had to pull over..."

and i said "it doesnt matter... even if you DID turn on your right signal, you did it AS you were moving... there was no way in hell i would have had enough time to see the change and i still woulda hit you either way."

the who time her husband is agreeing with me and she finally gives up and he goes "well theres no damage to our car... just a little scratch but we dont care"

and they're looking at my car... which has damage from a previous accident which is what they were looking at horrified.... and i said "my car is fine... that thing on the hood is from something else"

and he goes "okay... well.... awkward pause ........ we're good."

"yep.... me too"




"have a good day."

i RUN to my car, jump in and drive away



now wait

im not done yet..............



i was on my way to work this morning.

same fucking street jsut further up

the off ramp is one of those weird ramps that put you almost paralell to where you're going so you almost have to look back behind you to see oncoming traffic in your lane (at least i do... i dont trust my mirror for that)

so... 2 cars ahead of me pulls out

and the car directly ahead of me follows

and i turn back to look at the oncoming traffic as the car ahead of me pulls out

and when i see im clear i step on the gas and BAM

immediate though as my cheek hits my steering wheel BEFORE i turn my head to look "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! *AGAIN*?!"

and i look... sure enough... the car in front of me had NOT ACTUALLY pulled out.

i never turned back around to make sure they were ACTUALLY gone


same thing as before... get out of our cars... my car is fine.. their car may or may not have a few scratches

they're kids this time

probably younger than me

she calls daddy

im ALREADY late for work

she tries to tell him everything is fine

i hear her say something about police and i just about SHIT myself

cause... you know... my license is expired, fuck the fact tha ti dont have my insurance card.

she gets off the phone and turns out no police is getting called cause she convinced him everythign is fine and she cant find anything really wrong with the car

BUT they want my insurance info and shit

so im like "sure"

and in my head im going "good god, you're gonna have to help me out with this one"

and i walk back to my car like i have everythign in need little filing cabinets waiting for me

and i open the glove box and i see this white paper.

NOT my insurance card.


it was my papers from inspection last year with my information ON IT


and i did that and shit and ugh

mess dude

apparently her dad opened up a claim

got a call from my insurance company

the kids are complaining of neck pain ::rolls eyes::

dude i slammed my cheek on the steering wheel... .its not bruised... it doesnt even HURT.... i didnt HIT them that hard. i was like a foot behind them before i hit htem... it had to be like 3 mph at MOST... IF that.

but whatever

the insurance guy was nice and could tell i probably sounded a bit panicky haha

and he was like "you've got full coverage... your medical is this much and your... whatever... is this much... if she DOES end up claming the tiny little neck injury, you're gonna be fine... and their car sounds like it might only need a couple strokes of paint so... that'll end up being covered too"

in my mind (great! ... cant wait to see what my premium gets jacked to though)

::shrugs:: whatever dude.

but seriously

2 DAYS apart



Monday, May 4, 2009


Dear Mr. Thatcher,
I have been a loyal user of your Always maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core-- or Dri-Weave-- absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.
Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? Ever suffered from "the curse"? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my "time of the month" is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call "an inbred hillbilly with knife skills." Isn't the human body amazing?
As Brand Manager in the Feminine-hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customers' monthly visits from "Aunt Flo". Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behaviour. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women. In fact, only last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her boyfriend's testicles into a George Foreman Grill just because he told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps. Crazy! The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants... which brings me to the reason for my letter.
Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: "Have a Happy Period."
Are you f__king kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling, laughing happiness -is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak girl, there will never be anything "happy" about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory. For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you just have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like "Put Down the Hammer" or "Vehicular Manslaughter Is Wrong", or are you just picking on us?
Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately,there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending bullshit. And that's a promise I will keep... Always.
Wendi Aarons
Austin , TX

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


ugh. i suck.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ugh. Women.

So it was a fantastical weekend! I saw Keith play a jazz gig and then the next day we met a friend of his for lunch, which was nice. then we went to the mall and he bought me a mac mini because my poor poor dell is dying. and ive been so very frustrated with it... its so bad my MOTHER thinks its excruciatingly slow... so he said that he 'understands what its like to deal with a slow computer' and how frustrating it is... so he bought me a mac mini as a 'transition' computer until i can get my mac book. :D :D :D

that being said, let me take a moment to say:

im sorry i was a bitch. i didnt mean to push your buttons but i get frustrated sometimes and when i get frustrated my bitch application freezes and i cant quit it fast enough......... :( im sorry. i shoulda just left you alone :( but i love you and you're my favorite cookiehead ever.

now back to your regularly scheduled rambleblog:

anyway... uh... i have no idea what else i was gonna say. other than taking some shiz off my dell and putting it on her might present a bit of a challenge... but... when im up to it... i love a challenge. (besides, all that time transfering stuff might take my attention away from the damned wedding forum and i wont have to get into fights with snobby bitches... lmao). yes, i know, im a loser, no need to remind me.


holy crap, i LOVE blogger... i got my mac and windows short cuts confused and accidentally closed the window i was working in... thinking that this entry was lost forever in cyberspace, only to have noticed while attempting to type it again that there was a save button... and next to the save button it had indicated that an "auto draft" had been saved... which implied that this was still somewhere within reach....... and i found it! woo hoo! haha. ANYWAY. yeah.

oh... and by the way... poker... NOT really a good stress-reliever... ESPECIALLY right after a little tift and you THINK you finally have the hand because you have two spades and the flop was 3 spades... and then another hits the table which kinda makes you nervous cause all the other guy needs is ONE spade... but then you think to yourself "well... its just me and him... theres a 75% chance he doesnt have a spade, right?" so you keep playing and the LAST card hits and its.............. A FREAKIN SPADE.......... so now that pretty much means we BOTH have a flush and the fact that my delt cards were both spades means absolutely nothing..... but at least we'll split the pot right? WRONG... MOTHER EFFER HAD A J OF SPADES and just HAPPENED to cover me. so i lost. what the hell are the chances of that? 5 spades on the board, i have two more and he has one. are you KIDDING me?! EIGHT SPADES?! eff poker man.

speaking of which... im gonna play another game. catch yall later.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You Found Me

I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad
Where the West was all but won
All alone, smoking his last cigarette
I said, "Where you been?" He said, "Ask anything."

Where were you, when everything was falling apart.
All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang
And all I needed was a call that never came
To the corner of 1st and Amistad

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me.

But in the end everyone ends up alone
Losing her, the only one who's ever known
Who I am, who I'm not and who I wanna to be
No way to know how long she will be next to me

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me.

The early morning city breaks
And I've been calling for years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve taking all I want

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, Where were you? Where were you?
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me.

Why'd you have to wait, to find me, to find me?


Isaac Slade, the lead singer of The
Fray, explained the song's meaning in a post on his blog. He wrote,
"You Found Me is a tough song for me. Its about the disappointment, the
heart ache, the let down that comes with life. Sometimes you're let
down, sometimes you're the one who lets someone else down. It gets hard
to know who you can trust, who you can count on. This song came out of
a tough time, and I'm still right in the thick of it. There's some
difficult circumstances my family and friends have been going through
over the past year or so and can be overwhelming. It wears on me. It
demands so much of my faith to keep believing, keep hoping in the
unseen. Sometimes the tunnel has a light at the end, but usually they
just look black as night. This song is about that feeling, and the hope
that I still have, buried deep in my chest."


The Fray - "You Found Me": Review, Song Meaning, Lyrics, and Download Info

December 02, 2008 by

Chris Wellmen

The Fray, a Denver band famous for their first hit album How To Save a Life, have just released "You Found Me". The first song released from their new self-titled album The Fray, "You Found Me" has been received with much applause.

Being a fan of their soft melodies and lyrics from How To Save a Life, I instantly downloaded "You Found Me" from iTunes. I also picked up a free music video from the song's debut on ABC's LOST. This free video is currently available to download from iTunes. Be sure to pick up the song and video there, legally, to respect the song's copyrights and to support The Fray.

After putting it in on my iPod and listening to it numerous times, I was amazed at all the emotion that the song had. Isaac Slade, the lead singer of The Fray, explained the song's meaning in a post on his blog. He wrote, "You Found Me is a tough song for me. Its about the disappointment, the heart ache, the let down that comes with life. Sometimes you're let down, sometimes you're the one who lets someone else down. It gets hard to know who you can trust, who you can count on. This song came out of a tough time, and I'm still right in the thick of it. There's some difficult circumstances my family and friends have been going through over the past year or so and can be overwhelming. It wears on me. It demands so much of my faith to keep believing, keep hoping in the unseen. Sometimes the tunnel has a light at the end, but usually they just look black as night. This song is about that feeling, and the hope that I still have, buried deep in my chest."

I'm sure that many people can relate to the powerfulness of Slade's lyrics. It asks why bad things happen to good people. He wrote the song after some of his friends and family went through some difficult times.

I find that this song is so well done that you can feel the pain and sorrow of Issac and the rest of the band. I can honestly say that I haven't looked forward to an album as much as I am looking forward to the release of The Fray on February 3, 2009. It's that good. Be sure to check out song if you haven't heard it yet.

Monday, January 26, 2009

"im in........ sales..."

... So im playing poker online and when you do that theres a little chat box in the corner where people at the table can talk... and i happen to look down and see this:

[Nishant Arora]: how's life going on
[cyndi ]: just great
[Nishant Arora]: cyndi r u working or what
[Nishant Arora]: in life
[cyndi ]: not right know
[cyndi ]: Im in customer service

and i have to keep myself from laughing out loud cause my roomate is asleep... and then i find myself desperately wanting to type into the chat box... "that means she's a hooker!"... but i dont... then i look back at the box as the convo continutes and i see:

[Nishant Arora]: great
[Nishant Arora]: it's an intresting job u'll meet all kind of people
[Nishant Arora]: u know how to handelthem
[cyndi ]: how about you

which has me ROLLING on the floor with laughter... theoretically, cause my roomate is still asleep... but it was really hard not to bust out... hee hee.. :D


My flight to nashville was smooth and uneventful (just the way i like it)... no wait... i lied... well, the FLIGHT was smooth, but the airport was not. apparently i didnt get the memmo that you cant take liquids on the plane so i had to throw away about $35 worth of shampoo, conditioner, lotions, what have you... i was pretty peeved... they should have that shiz posted near where you check your bags so you have time to rearranged, just in case you're not a frequent flyer (like myself) and dont get the weekly mailing of "rediculous things we wont let you take on the plane this week". Anyway, I got to nashville and there were a couple of days of rehearsal... then we loaded out last night and got on the bus and now im in Gulf Shores, AL... in the nicest freakin hotel ive ever been to in my entire life. Well maybe not my entire life, but for a long time.... its nice... on second thought looking around, its probably pretty average in reality, but they do a fantastic job of making it look expensive... its nice :) first show is later tonight... we'll see how it goes... audio girl running lights... woo hoo....

Friday, January 23, 2009

good news, bad news.

good news:

im in nashville! yay!

bad news:

zanga poker effing cheats. im pretty sure they play certain suites higher than others and thats NOT how poker is played... and its screwing me out of chips ive rightfully won. screw you zanga. i know i beat them. i KNOW i did :-p

good news:

theres not actually any bad news... im just pissed cause i shoulda won the last 3 hands i played... but zanga apparently doesnt know the real rules to poker... hahaha

Thursday, January 8, 2009

i have HOW much time to book a reception hall?!

okay, so good news... i got hired for a short tour.

bad news... i have a week and a half to book a reception hall and possibly a caterer if we decided to go that route.

is emily a bit stressed? i think BIT is a bit of an understatement...


i cant figure out which one of our possible scenarios is cheaper and my brain is about to call it quits.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

"When you were just a little one, there was a McDonalds in park city; right beside where FYI is now. Your mom and I were shopping and you were with us. We stopped at "Donalds" for you... that's what you called it. There was an elderly man sitting alone, and I guess you thought he looked sad. Then you walked up to him and said, "Don't worry, be happy." The song was popular then. The man laughed so hard, I thought, he would fall off the chair!" -titi melissa

Wilson's Heart

Season four of House, the last episode... makes me cry like a blubbering idiot EVERY TIME. I know whats going to happen, and yet I can't seem to contain myself. And its not like i havent cried during other movies or shows before... but with this, im talking full out sobbing not just a couple streaming tears. and then when the episode is done it makes me want to drive 100mph to Keith and kiss him a thousand times over and over until both our lips are raw. But alas, it is 1:55am and he's probably asleep by now to wake up tomorrow morning to help me move my sorry ass out of my house ;) Ah well. It'll have to wait until tomorrow i guess.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tired of myspace and its 4am...

So, for some reason ive decided that im tired of blogging strictly on myspace... no one reads it and its... in my opinion... well it feels kind of juvenile to "blog" on myspace. its not. i think this is just me making an excuse to start another one. whatever. its 4am. actually its 4:08am. im planning on FINALLY moving out of the hershey housing tomorrow (or should i say today?) and im wondering if its even worth going to sleep right now... i just got back from keith's house. we had a bit of a tift if you will and i decided that sleeping there wasn't going to do me any good cause i wasnt going to fall asleep while i was there, so i might as well just drive back home and wake up in my bedroom where i can at least wake up and start packing right away. it finally hit me about 10 minutes ago that i am, in fact, at the VERY LEAST, starting to get tired, but i just dont feel like sleeping. id love to describe the state of mind that im in right now but i dont really think there's an adequate enough word for it. i mean i guess i could say "sad" but... that doesnt even seem right. maybe its just hormones... maybe its wintertime. ::shrugs:: some day ill be able to stop using those as excuses.


i love you and i wish we wouldnt go to bed angry at each other, especially over stupid shit. ::sigh::